How long have you held this job?
Since my first day at Bowdoin!
Describe a typical day at work.
Student managing shifts start off with a bang! Workers go into the dining hall and make sure that all of the stations are set up for the meal. During service, we wipe down counter tops, ensure that food stays stocked, and keep our customers happy. The night ends with clean-up and lots of hugs and love!
What skills have you gained or improved upon from this job?
I've learned a lot about how to safely prepare, handle, and store food. I have really enjoyed learning about the different ways to prep fruits and vegetables, in particular. Each one has its own trick! Also, working in dining has helped me learn how to operate as an efficient and smooth team member!
What do you enjoy most about your job?
Moulton is a family! Every single time I walk through the door to the dining hall I feel the warm and fuzzies because it feels like I am HOME! I am so grateful for the wonderful, amazing, and caring team at Moulton! I LOVE YOU, MOULTON! ❤
How are these skills applicable to future work opportunities or you personally?
Teamwork is SO IMPORTANT to any job! Working at Moulton has definitely driven this home for me and helped me to hone my teamwork skills. Also, everybody has to eat, so knowing how to prepare food is a huge bonus!
How did you find out about this job? (JobX, word of mouth, job fair, faculty referral, etc.)
I was initially placed in dining through the First Year Job Placement Program.

What advice would you give to another student who is considering working on campus?
Working on campus is a great way to temporarily set aside your academic work and engage in a fun job! It is a productive break from studying that can help you learn important real-world tips and tricks (like how to make homemade natural peanut butter!). Also, Bowdoin has such an amazing community, you will definitely find a family at your new job!